Shalom Mennonite Fellowship Welcomes You!*

No matter if you are plain or fancy, confident or questioning, whole or in pieces, you are welcome.

Whether we see you every Sunday, for a season, or on sweet rare occasions, you are welcome.

Whatever your identities, in age, race, abilities, sexual orientation, gender, immigration status. You are welcome as member, worshipper, participant, observer, and leader.

There are so many ways to be part of this community that no one can or should do them all. You may roll through the doorway, dance up an aisle, slide quietly into a back seat, dive into fellowship, engage earnestly in meetings, feast at potluck, delight in learnings, dig into work for immigration justice, peace and earth-care... We invite you to find the niche that is right for you.

Interim Leadership Team

*Following the retirement of our current pastors in 2025, Shalom Mennonite Fellowship is preparing for a change in pastoral leadership. View the announcement here.